Thursday, May 17, 2012

My class of choice

Lately I have been on MW3 playing with my clan BS and I have found that my favorite class is my first one. This class consist of an M4A1 hybrid sight with the kick perk. I find that the M4 itself as a great firing rate, accuracy, recoil, and an average amount of damage. Now mixed with the hybrid sight your sights increase very much. I like the fact that it gives me an option to see targets that are farther away and can switch for targets closer up. Having the M4 as a favorite gun also is a good advantage for me so when I prestige I already have my favorite weapon.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Beef Sandwich

So I,m in this new MW3 clan called Beef Sandwich or BS. In this clan we have had a total of 20 M.O.A.B s. Yeah it is awesome I know no need to tell me n the comment lol. If you read my blog and you have xbox live and you play MW3 then consider joining the clan.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I hate it when things re loading and that little circle thing pops up that is really annoying dont you agree. I wish I could destroy it like this guy.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I got Skyrim about 5 days ago and it is made by the same people who made Fallout. It is the same game play except it is based back in the middle ages and it is kinda like every fairy tale monster come to life. It also includes powers and other forms of magic. You are a character mistaken for a rebel that tried to kill a king. When your about to be executed  a dragon comes out of nowhere and the you escape. When you escape to Riverwood it's pretty much a free roam from there. So if you get the game good luck and enjoy

Friday, March 23, 2012

I Beat Dead Money

I beat it and I am never doing it again. I had to escape the vault and it was filled with gold, but if you took any the vault would close and you would die. If you waited though and let the elder come down you can take the gold. It is heavy though so you can only take so much because you have to run at the end because your collar will blow up if you don't. So in the end you can never come back, but there is a vending machine in the abandoned BOS bunker and you get Sierra Madre chips every 3 days.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dead Money

I know I have been talking about Fallout quite a bit, but I have to review the DLC Dead Money. Let me just start off with the fact that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done in video games and I am still playing it. If you are planning on buying this make sure you like challenges. It is set in a town that was once home to the great Siarra Madre casino. It's filled with ghost people that can only be killled if you chop them up or blow off one of their limbs. The town is also engulfed in a poisinous cloud so there are very limited if not any beds available at all. That is not even the worst part of it. You have a bomb coller strapped to your neck and there are little beacons everywhere that cause your caller to start beeping then blow up. The goal is to get into the Siarra Madre because there is a treasure locked inside the vault od the casino. If you like a challenge buy this if you don't never buy this.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remnants Power Armour

I finally got it. I have been trying to get this power armour ever since I got Fallout New Vegas and with the alien blaster I got it. It is not easy to get the mask you have to go up to the Silver Peak mines and fight a bunch of cazadors wich are like mutated wasp and butterflies. Then to get the armour you have to fight like 20 deathclaws, 2 mother deathclaws, and a alpha male deathclaw. I will post pictures.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blog post

I have gotten off topic with my blogs lately so I am going to start blogging about two main subjects. Music and video games. Occasionally I will post something random, but for now I will stick with those two subjects. This will be my last post for now with a off topic picture.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Falluot New Vegas

This game is awesome. It is based in a post - apoctalyptic world where money is bottle caps and everything is trying to kill you. I wish they would make a Fallout 4 yes that would be awesome.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Today we are having a thunderstorm (obviously from the title). For some reason I find thunderstorms relaxing. I like the sound of rain. When I was little I used to sit outside and watch the rain because it was nice and really cool to watch especially when you see lightning in the distance. Do you like thunder storms. Leave your creative response in the comment section below.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have not mentioned them much, but as you can see I am a fan (juggalo actually). I started listening to them when my friend had bought a hatchet man and I asked what it is. So he told me a long story about Juggalos and ICP etc. and I was excited. So we went home and he played the song In Yo Face. That song is awesome btw. So yeah.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Now you may have your opinion, but obviously Battlefeild3 is better than MW3. Because the big thing is that BF3 is more real, you can ride in vehicles and the stealth kills are amazing. I grew up playing MW and I love it, but I think BF3 is better. If you think differently leave a comment. U mad bro?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I saw this picture and had to post it.

Real Steel!

I know the movie came out like last year, but it's awesome and I got to watch it with my dad after he came back from Afganistan if I spelled that right. It's a boxing movie that has robots that are the boxers. If you haven't seen it you should try to whenever you get the chance.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I woke up at three this morning and could not fall back to sleep. So I got on on Battlefield3 and I was epic. Turns out I love to use C4. I was blowing up tanks, helicopters and LAVs (Light Armored Vehicles). So anyway I unlocked the M249 for my support.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Castle Miner Z

Playing this game right now with my friend Josh you might know him anyway it's kind of like Minecraft with guns. It's really fun and completely worth the microsoft points. So yeah you fight zombies and build, which is pretty much the main objective of the game. Random question of the day. What's chasing you? Leave your comment or creative response in the comment section below.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Need Ideas

Me and my freind JJ are still making a video game and we already have a prototype character. His name is Robert and he specializes in MMA and his weapons are a Katana and a pistol. We are making tha game like Resident Evil 5.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Doing A Research Paper

Our topic is, "What are some injustices facing middle school students today?" Now, I know you could think of 20 different things right off the bat, but I am doing mine about tenure (The ability of a teacher not being able to be fired if they work at a school for a set number of years). It may have more of an affect on you than you think so instead of me listing out 100 things you can look it up yourself.  I am going to post a random picture as well.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Making a song!

In my guitar class we are making a song and it is awesome. We all get to make up a solo and after every chorus each one of us get to play are own solo using the C scale or the A minor scale. This guitar is the closest looking guitar to my guitar I could find.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Finally Beat PORTAL 2!!!

I finally did it! PORTAL 2 was extremely difficult and I beat it. The ending was funny, but I'm not going to spoil it It involves the guy in the picture above (Wheatley).

Chiddy Bang

I have been looking for new music to listen to and I found Chiddy Bang. Chiddy Bang is a rap group, but they are really cool. My favorite song is probably "Manners" or "Opposite of Adults". They have a great sound. Have you found some new music? Leave your responses in the comment section BELOW!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Have you ever payed Portal 2 it is so awesome. If you don't know what it is I'll sum it up for you. You get a gun that shoots a blue an orange portal on any white spot. The coolest thing is you can walk through one portal and come out the other portal. It is a puzzle game so get ready to test your brain.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Making A Video Game!

Me and my friend JJ were playing Resident Evil 5 yesterday and he was telling me about making a video game like it and wants me to help out. We need ideas. Tell us what you think in the comments.

Scaring is Fun

Pulling a scary prank on your friends is awesome right. Well I got my friends good last Saturday with a device called the "Evil Tron". What it does is make five scary noises and they are good noises. So what I did is tell them when it was dark that I heard strange noises coming from upstairs. So we went upstairs and listened. I scared them so bad and they believed it to. In the end they figured it out so I got caught, but it was worth it. Tell me have you ever scared someone and how did you do it? COMMENT

Friday, January 20, 2012


Everybody loves music. It's like the best invention besides Raisin Bran. My favorite bands are ICP, Nirvana, Twizted, Gorillaz, actually just all music. Imagine what it would be like without music. BORING! Whats your favorite type of music or band. Email me at Or just leave a comment.